In a world surrounded by water,
we posed a simple yet thought-provoking question:
"What if we had to live in water?"
This idea inspired us to create GoFriday,
a brand that is dedicated to designing houseboats that not only provide a comfortable living space but also offer the opportunity for sustainable travel and new adventures.

Connect with Nature
We are fueled by a passion for both travel and sustainability, and we strive to infuse these values into every aspect of our houseboat designs. Our houseboats are not just floating dwellings; they are unique platforms that allow you to explore new horizons, connect with nature, and embark on life-changing journeys. With GoFriday, you can have a home that brings you closer to the world around you while still offering all the comforts of home.

Be Liquid
GoFriday is a travel-inspired brand, surrounded by water and fueled by a source of joy and motivation. Our houseboats provide endless opportunities for outdoor adventures like sailing, water skiing, swimming, and fishing. Being liquid means being open to new opportunities and experiences, even if they take you outside of your comfort zone.

Expect High Quality
We are committed to offering a high-quality product with responsible manufacturing practices and providing excellent customer experiences.

Stand for a Better Future
As we look to the future, it is increasingly clear that our relationship with water must change. Rising sea levels and increased flooding threaten many communities around the world, and it is essential that we find sustainable solutions to these challenges. By building homes and communities on the water, we can help alleviate the pressure on land-based ecosystems and reduce our impact on the environment. We are dedicated to celebrating the beauty of the natural world and encouraging others to experience it in a way that is respectful and sustainable.
Our houseboats are more than just a product; they are a way of life. Let's celebrate the intersection of travel and sustainability and experience the world on a GoFriday houseboat.
GO FRIDAY - Internacionalizing products for tourism and leisure in water environment.
DURATION October 5th, 2015 to September 30th, 2017
CALL 19/SI/2015