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At GoFriday, we believe in the intersection of travel and sustainability. We stand for a better future - not just for ourselves, but for the planet we call home. We are here not only to celebrate travel but also to serve the environment better. Our goal is to inspire and enable others to experience the world in a way that leaves a positive impact on the earth, making it a better place worth exploring.

Yet, reducing our environmental footprint is just the beginning.

We also believe in taking responsibility for the future. That's why we've set up four principles that guide everything we do:


Societal sustainability, for us, means reducing our use of resources in every aspect of our business. From our manufacturing practices to the way we design and promote our houseboats, we are constantly striving to minimize our impact on the environment.


We encourage responsible consumption of our houseboats and provide our customers with resources and guidance on sustainable boating practices.


We support environmental organizations and initiatives that align with our values and work to educate and inspire others to make sustainable choices.


We are committed to continuously improving our practices and reducing our environmental footprint over time.

We believe that by embracing these principles, we can make a real difference in the world.

On our journey to changing the way we do business, we are committed to taking responsibility for the future and leaving the planet a better place for future generations.

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